Restoration and enhancement of natural habitat is completed on the premise that the work will have a positive effect on fish populations and water quality conditions. This assumption requires monitoring and data analysis to ensure projects are meeting their stated objectives. As organizations continue to work toward improved conditions throughout the Klamath Basin, it’s important that long-term monitoring is pursued to meet our goals and objectives.
Links to Monitoring Reports and Documents
- Monitoring Populations of Endangered Catostomids to Support Recovery Efforts
- Evaluation of the Williamson River Delta Restoration Project
- Water-Quality Monitoring and Modeling of the Keno Reach of the Klamath River
- Effects of Chiloquin Dam on Spawning Distribution and Larval Emigration of Lost River, Shortnose, and Klamath Largescale Suckers in the Williamson and Sprague Rivers, Oregon
- The Nature Conservancy
- UC Davis
- California Riparian Habitat Restoration Handbook
- For more monitoring documents and reports, see:
KBMP Monitoring Locations
The Klamath Tribes- Long Term WQ Monitoring Program
The Klamath Tribes Aquatics Program has been monitoring lake and river water quality in the Upper Klamath Basin since 1990. Currently, the monitoring program includes sampling water nutrients, water chemistry, algal toxins, and aquatic biota communities at 11 lake sites and water nutrients, water chemistry, and flow at 20 river and stream sites. Monitoring is key in prioritizing areas for restoration activities and for analyzing trends associated with climate change and ongoing aquatic and riparian restoration work. As such, this data is extremely valuable to restoration practitioners, researchers, and regulatory agencies in the basin. Currently, all water quality technicians associated with monitoring program are members of The Klamath Tribes; the program provides permanent and stable employment in our rural indigenous community.
Contaminant Data Display and Download (CD3) Tool
Contaminant Data Display and Download (CD3) is a web-based visualization tool for accessing water quality data for the San Francisco Bay-Delta region, including the Bay Regional Monitoring Program’s long-term dataset. The tool has been redesigned to leverage other interactive mapping efforts and offers impressive new functionality, including enhanced spatial querying and dynamic statistical summaries and charts.