Fall 2024 KBMP Meeting

Wednesday, November 6th at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon

Fall 2024 KBMP Meeting Agenda

Registration will be required to attend the free KBMP meeting. 

Following the KBMP meeting, there will be two more days of content for researchers, scientists, and others involved in Klamath dam removal. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at Southern Oregon University to register.

Thursday, November 7th Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon

  • This in-person-only workshop will discuss dam removal science and promote collaboration. The primary objective of this meeting is to facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-entity collaboration among researchers studying the ecological and social changes in the Klamath River Basin resulting from the removal of four dams. Our goal is to foster connections across various sub-disciplines, including hydrology, water quality, fisheries, aquatic animal ecology, and social sciences. Through focused discussions and networking, participants will identify overlapping research interests and potential collaboration opportunities. A successful meeting will result in each attendee having formed at least one new research partnership, advancing integrated ecological solutions for the Klamath region.
  • Please share this email with folks working on research and management connected to the Klamath dam removal and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with Southern Oregon University if you have any questions.

Friday, November 8th Field trips to dam removal and restoration sites

  • Restoration site visits in the former hydroelectric reach (Iron Gate, Copco, and JC Boyle)


Spring 2024: May 22nd in Yreka

Spring 2024 KBMP Meeting Agenda

Introduction (Randy Turner, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)

Blue-green Algae

Water Quality


Instream Flow


Dam Removal

Mini Updates

Other Related Events:

  • The Klamath Fish Health Workshop was held on May 21st. See the agenda
  • The Klamath River Renewal Corporation hosted KBMP attendees on a Dam Removal Field Tour on May 23rd 

Fall 2023: November 14th in Klamath Falls

Fall 2023 Meeting Agenda

Recordings for most presentations are available as links to the KBMP YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@klamathbasinmonitoringprog2876

 Attendee List 1 2 3 4

KBMP Fall 2023 Presentations

  • Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute/Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)

Dam Removal Monitoring


Water Availability

  • USGS Integrated Water Availability Assessment (IWAA) study (Liam Schenk, US Geological Survey)
    • This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
  • Upper Klamath Lake Updated Bathymetric Surface and Flood Frequency Analysis (Jason Cameron, US Bureau of Reclamation)




Spring 2023: May 16th in Yreka


Spring 2023 Meeting Agenda


The KBMP meeting will be followed in the same room on May 17th with a public Klamath River Fish Health Workshop, followed on May 18th with an invite-only meeting for fish managers and fish health researchers. Find more information about the workshop here, register here, and see the agenda here.


KBMP Spring 2023 Presentations

Instream Flow

Water Quality


Dam Removal

  • Dam Removal Update (Dave Coffman, RES)
  • Social impact assessment of Klamath dam removal: A collaborative research initiative with the Karuk Tribe (Sibyl Diver, Stanford)
    • Project information
    • This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time


Fall 2022: November 9th and 10th in Yreka

Fall 2022 Meeting Agenda (contains short summaries of each presentation)

Day 1

Dam Removal

Panel Discussion on Klamath Dam Removal Science and Monitoring


  • Dave Coffman, RES
  • Chauncey Anderson, USGS
  • Jennifer Curtis, USGS
  • Tommy Williams, NOAA
  • Mike Belchik, Yurok Tribe

Day 2

Water Quality


Fisheries/Fish Health

  • Effects of Release Location and Release Timing on Outmigration Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Through the Lower Klamath River (Summer Burdick, US Geological Survey)
    • This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
  • Potential thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency across life stages of shortnose and Lost River sucker, (Freya Rowland, US Geological Survey; Christie Nichols, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
    • This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time


Spring 2022: June 16th - Webinar Only


Spring 2022 Meeting Agenda (Contains short summaries of each presentation)

Fall 2021: November 3rd and 4th - Webinar Only

KBMP is hosting our Fall meeting via Zoom on November 3rd and 4th from 9 am - 2 pm each day.

Meeting Evaluation - Please email completed evaluations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fall 2021 Meeting Agenda

Water Quality


Climate Change

Fisheries and Fish Health

Blue-Green Algae

Groundwater and Instream Flow

Dam Removal


Spring 2021: No Meeting

Due to a gap in funding, KBMP will not be hosting a Spring meeting this year. We expect funding to support KBMP by early summer and will plan for a fall meeting. If you have any recommendations for presentations, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Meeting 26: November 10, 2020 - Webinar Only

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the fall KBMP meeting was a webinar only event.

Fall 2020 Meeting Agenda

Meeting Evaluation Form

Future Presenters: If you want to recommend a topic or speaker for a future KBMP meeting, please email Randy or call at 707-499-5521.

Climate Change

Trinity River


 Dam Removal


Meeting 25: May 27, 2020- Webinar Only

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the spring KBMP meeting was a webinar only event.

KBMP Mini-Updates

Spring 2020 Meeting Agenda

 Water Quality


Dam Removal

  • Using biological indicators to monitor source, transport, and fate of sediments and trace-elements in the Klamath River during baseline conditions (Terry Short, USGS)
    • Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
  • Defining a basin-scale framework to assess geomorphic response along the mainstem Klamath River downstream of Iron Gate Dam (Jenny Curtis, USGS)
    • Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time



If you would like to submit a proposal for presenting at a future KBMP meeting, please contact Randy at 707-499-5521 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meeting 24: November 13-14, 2019- Yreka, CA

Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)

Fall 2019 Meeting Agenda

Water Quality

Dam Removal


  • Modeling a 2- and 4-Foot Drawdown in the Link River to Keno Dam Reach of the Upper Klamath River (Annett Sullivan, U.S. Geological Survey)
    • Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time



Blue-Green Algae

If you have any questions, please contact a Steering Committee member or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meeting 23: November 14-15*, 2018- Klamath Falls, OR

Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Agenda (Updated 11/6/18)

This KBMP meeting has a restoration theme. Here is a summary of responses to a pre-meeting survey regarding restoration of water quality.


Water Quality


Surface and Groundwater


  • Presentation on Two Experimental Learning Programs (Michael Hughes, Oregon Institute of Technology)

Restoration Planning

Restoration Implementation

Meeting 22: May 2-3, 2018- Yreka, CA

Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)


Meeting 22 Presentations


Water Quality

Groundwater Interactions

Blue-Green Algae

Estuary Science


Dam Removal

  • Updates on the proposed dam removal Process (Ben Swann, CDM Smith)
    • Presentation is not available for online viewing at this time




Meeting 21: November 14-15, 2017- Klamath Falls, OR

Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Full Agenda

Attendee List 1 2 3 4

Meeting 21 Presentations

  • Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)

Stream Flow


Water Quality

Blue-Green Algae

Dam Removal




Meeting 20: March 15-16, 2017- Klamath, CA

Yurok Tribe Community Room
190 Klamath Blvd., Klamath, CA 95548

Meeting Agenda and Map

Attendee List 1 2 3

Water Quality

Restoration and Planning


Field Trip

  • Tour of restoration projects in Terwer Creek (Sarah Beasley, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program; and Rocco Fiori, Fiori Geosciences)

Meeting 19: November 9-10, 2016- Yreka, CA

Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)

Meeting Agenda

Attendee List

Meeting 19



Planned Meeting 19 Presentations

Water Quality

Blue-Green Algae



Field Trip



Meeting 18: April 20-21, 2016- Klamath Falls, OR

Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda w Summaries

Meeting 18 Presentations

  • Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)


Water Quality


  • Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Total Phosphorus Transport in the Upper Klamath Lake Watershed:  Preliminary Results (Richard Smith, US Geological Survey)

Fish Health


Blue-Green Algae

Meeting 17: November 4-5, 2015- Yreka, CA

Meeting Agenda (Revised on 10/27/15)

Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)

Meeting 17 Presentations

Land Use

Fisheries and Fish Health

Instream Flows





 Meeting 16: April 29-30, 2015- Yreka, CA

Meeting Agenda (Revised)- includes directions

Meeting Summary and Discussion Notes

Images from meeting

Meeting 16 Presentations

Watershed Updates

Land Use

Fisheries and Fish Health

Instream Flows

Blue-Green Algae




Meeting 15: November 5 - 6, 2014- Yreka, CA


Meeting Summary and Discussion Notes

Meeting 15 Presentations

Watershed Updates


KBMP Tools and Admin

Fish Health


Instream Flows


Land Use


Blue-Green Algae/ Primary Production

Meeting 14: April 30 - May 1, 2014- Yreka, CA

Meeting 14 Presentations

Meeting 13: November 6th and 7th, 2013 Yreka, CA

Meeting Action Items from last meeting

Meeting 13 Presentations

Meeting 12: March 20th and 21st, 2013 Yreka, CA

Meeting Action Items from last meeting

Meeting 12 Presentations

 Meeting 10: April 4th and 5th, 2012 Yreka, CA

Meeting 10 Presentations

Meeting 9: November 9th and 10th, 2011 Arcata, CA

Action Items

Meeting 9 Presentations

Meeting 8: March 29 - 30th, 2011 Yreka, CA

Action Items

Meeting 8 Presentations

In an effort to foster interagency collaboration, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program supports collaborative projects through web exposure,  document distribution, and membership communication. Contact us if you are interested in posting a Klamath Basin related project. 

Upper Basin Meeting (Feb. 9th, 2011)

Members of the Upper Basin Water Quality Working Group presented research and discussed water quality issues in the Upper Klamath Basin. The meeting was hosted by the Nature Conservancy and held at the US Fish & Wildlife Service Office in Klamath Falls, OR.

Meeting Notes
Breakout Session Q &  A


Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Overview - Chantell Royer (Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)

Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program - Clayton Creager (North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)

USGS Monitoring on Upper Klamath Lake - Sara Eldridge (US Geological Survey)

Sprague Rive Monitoring Network - Kris Fisher (Klamath Tribes)

The Effects of the Williamson River Delta Restoration on Water Quality in Upper Klamath Lake: A Modeling Perspective - Tammy Wood (US Geological Survey)

Overview of Recent Benthic-Flux Studies in Upper Klamath Lake and Surrounding Wetlands - Jim Kuwabara (US Geological Survey)

Role and Importance of Benthic Invertebrates in Lake and Wetland Processes - Jim Carter (US Geological Survey)

Patterns of Stratification and Destratification as Indicators of the Resilience and Collapse of Aphanizomenon Blooms - John Reuter (Portland State University)

Latest Wood River Wetland Discharge and Water Quality Monitoring - Andy Hamilton (Bureau of Land Management)

Reclamation's Water Quality Monitoring on Agency Lake Ranch - Rick Carlson (Bureau of Reclamation)


Meeting 7: November 9 - 10, 2010 Yreka, CA

Meeting 6: April 27 - 28, 2009 Arcata, CA

Meeting 5: October 7 - 8, 2009; Klamath Falls, OR

Meeting 4: March 4 - 5, 2009; Arcata, CA

Meeting 3: December 3 - 4, 2008; Ashland, OR

Meeting 2: April 8 - 9, 2008; Yreka, CA

Meeting 1: January 16 - 17, 2008;  Yreka, CA