Fall 2024 KBMP Meeting
Wednesday, November 6th at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon
Registration will be required to attend the free KBMP meeting.
- In-person registration is closed
- Webinar (Zoom) Registration
Introduction (Randy Turner, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)
Dam Removal
- Update on Dam Removal Activities: Lower Klamath Project (Dave Coffman, RES)
- Drawdown and Dam Removal Water Quality Retrospective (Caitlin Boise, RES)
- Klamath River Sediment Transport (Patrick Haluska, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Dam Removal/Social Science
- Eco-cultural revitalization and dam removal: Toward a holistic reference system for Klamath basin restoration (Sibyl Diver, Stanford University; and Ron Reed and John R. Oberholzer, Karuk Tribe)
- Recording
- Learn more at https://damremovalsocialimpact.com/
- Risk Perceptions of the Klamath River Dam Removal (Dan Shelby, Oregon State University)
Fisheries and Fish Health
- Klamath River Anadromous Fishery Reintroduction and Restoration: Conceptual Plan And Current Implementation (Rosemary Romero, California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Distribution and density of annelid hosts of C. shasta before and after dam removal in the infectious zone (Julie Alexander, Oregon State University)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Preliminary Examination of Survival of Juvenile Out-migrating Chinook Salmon in the Lower Klamath River Before and During Dam Removal (Summer Burdick, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Instream Flow
- Open Water Evaporation Modeling Results for the Klamath River Basin Revised Natural Flow Study (Kristin Mikkelson, Bureau of Reclamation)
- Integrating Physical, Geochemical, and Hydrological Modeling to Evaluate Recharge Benefits (Laura Foglia, Kelsey McNeill, and Audra Bardsley, Larry Walker Associates)
Primary Production and HABs
- Connecting field observations of algae and aquatic plants to river metabolism to expand monitoring of nuisance growth (Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana)
- Tiered Monitoring for Benthic Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Rivers (Mike Thomas, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Cyanotoxins in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon (Megan Skinner, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
Mini Updates: Short updates from managers and program leads
- Recording
Following the KBMP meeting, there will be two more days of in-person content (not on Zoom) for researchers, scientists, and others involved in Klamath dam removal. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at Southern Oregon University to register.
Thursday, November 7th Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon
- This in-person-only workshop will discuss dam removal science and promote collaboration. The primary objective of this meeting is to facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-entity collaboration among researchers studying the ecological and social changes in the Klamath River Basin resulting from the removal of four dams. Our goal is to foster connections across various sub-disciplines, including hydrology, water quality, fisheries, aquatic animal ecology, and social sciences. Through focused discussions and networking, participants will identify overlapping research interests and potential collaboration opportunities. A successful meeting will result in each attendee having formed at least one new research partnership, advancing integrated ecological solutions for the Klamath region.
- Please share this email with folks working on research and management connected to the Klamath dam removal and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with Southern Oregon University if you have any questions.
Friday, November 8th Field trips to dam removal and restoration sites
- Restoration site visits in the former hydroelectric reach (Iron Gate, Copco, and JC Boyle)
Spring 2024: May 22nd in Yreka
Spring 2024 KBMP Meeting Agenda
Introduction (Randy Turner, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)
Blue-green Algae
- Widespread Detection of Benthic Anatoxin in the Scott River and Tributaries (Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana)
- Assessing the synchronicity of anatoxin-producing benthic cyanobacteria and river ecosystem productivity (Joanna Blaszczak, University of Nevada, Reno
Water Quality
- State of the Basin: Scott River (Kate Perkins, Consulting Environmental Scientist)
- Klamath River Water Quality Status and Trends Assessment (Randy Turner, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)
- Addressing data questions/concerns in past data sets: preserving and applying QA to existing data sets (Mike Deas, Watercourse Engineering)
- A watershed-specific formula to predict Scott River coho salmon reproduction using river flow metrics (Clair Kouba, UC Davis)
- Modeling the reestablishment of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Klamath River tributaries after dam removal (Max Ramos, Yurok Tribe)
Instream Flow
- Klamath River Revised Natural Flow Study (Caroline Ubing, Bureau of Reclamation)
- Recording
- Natural Flow Study website
- Process-Based Restoration in the Upper Klamath Basin: Stories, Lessons Learned, and Continued Challenges (Tommy Cianciolo, Trout Unlimited)
Dam Removal
- Klamath Dam Removal Update (Ren Brownell, Klamath River Renewal Corporation)
- Channel Evolution in Fine Grain Sediments During Reservoir Drawdown, Klamath River, CA (William Nuckoles, Oregon State University)
- Mechanisms Driving Dissolved Oxygen Downstream of the Klamath Dam Removal (Kristine Alford, Oregon State University)
Mini Updates
- US Bureau of Reclamation- Torrey Tyler
- Oregon State University- Sascha Hallett
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality- Tyler Dearman
- US Fish and Wildlife Service- Taylor Daley
- Scott River Watershed Council- Charnna Gilmore
- Klamath Tribes- Ryan Bart
- Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences- Jake Kann
- Riverbend Sciences- Eli Asarian
- Klamath Tribes- Carlie Sharpes
- Quartz Valley Indian Reservation- Sarah Schaefer
- Friends of the Shasta River- Dave Webb
- University of Montana- Laurel Genzoli
- Oregon State University- Becca Wheaton
- Oregon State University- Issa Tang
- Yurok Tribe- Nick Sully
- North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board- Eli Scott
- Yurok Tribe- Max Ramos
- Trout Unlimited- Charlie Erdman
- Klamath Basin Monitoring Program- Charlie Erdman
- Yurok Tribe Environmental Department- Josh Cahill
- US Geological Survey- Jenny Curtis
- RES- Caitlin Boise
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife- Crystal Robinson
- Yurok Tribe- Mike Belchik
- Salmon River Restoration Council- Lyra Cressey
- US Fish and Wildlife Service- Steve Gough
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife- Dan Troxel
- US Bureau of Reclamation- Rick Carlson
- Karuk Tribe- John R Oberholzer
Other Related Events:
- The Klamath Fish Health Workshop was held on May 21st. See the agenda
- The Klamath River Renewal Corporation hosted KBMP attendees on a Dam Removal Field Tour on May 23rd
Fall 2023: November 14th in Klamath Falls
Recordings for most presentations are available as links to the KBMP YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@klamathbasinmonitoringprog2876
KBMP Fall 2023 Presentations
- Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute/Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)
Dam Removal Monitoring
- Evaluating the effectiveness of dam removal on the Klamath River through sonar and radio telemetry (Damon Goodman, Cal Trout)
- Water Quality Monitoring for the Lower Klamath Dam Removal and Restoration (Caitlin Boise, RES)
- Additional Resources
- Synthesizing 87 years of scientific inquiry into Trinity River water temperatures (Seth Naman, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
- Temperature Dynamics and Trends in Upper Klamath Basin Tributaries: Assessment of The Klamath Tribes Long-Term Thermograph Monitoring Program (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Freshwater Mussels of the Klamath Basin and Recent Research and Conservation Efforts (Emilie Blevins and Christie Nichols, Xerces Society and US Fish and Wildlife Service)
Water Availability
- USGS Integrated Water Availability Assessment (IWAA) study (Liam Schenk, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Upper Klamath Lake Updated Bathymetric Surface and Flood Frequency Analysis (Jason Cameron, US Bureau of Reclamation)
- Wetland phosphorus dynamics: considerations for Upper Klamath Lake water quality and fringe wetlands (Megan Skinner, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Engaging Agricultural Landowners in Habitat Restoration on Private Land: Lessons from a "Tough" Case (Laura Duffy, Oregon State University)
- Feasibility Assessment of Algal Biomass Removal from Upper Klamath Lake (Maia Singer and Randy Turner, Stillwater Sciences and San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Spring 2023: May 16th in Yreka
Spring 2023 Meeting Agenda
The KBMP meeting will be followed in the same room on May 17th with a public Klamath River Fish Health Workshop, followed on May 18th with an invite-only meeting for fish managers and fish health researchers. Find more information about the workshop here, register here, and see the agenda here.
KBMP Spring 2023 Presentations
Instream Flow
- California Environmental Flows Framework: Case Study of the Little Shasta River (Ann Willis, American Rivers)
- Satellite remote sensing of the 2021-2022 Scott and Shasta irrigation curtailments (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Klamath River Basin Revised Natural Flow Study (Marketa McGuire, US Bureau of Reclamation)
Water Quality
- Drought and Water Quality in the Scott and Shasta Watersheds (Eli Scott, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Engineered Biochar-Mineral Media for Nutrient Recovery in Upper Klamath Lake (John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon LLC)
- Floodplain and Tributary Enhancement on the Salmon River (Deja Malone-Persha and Stefan Dosch, Salmon River Restoration Council)
- Observations of Fish Survival and Habitat Restoration in the Bootleg Fire in Southeast Oregon (William Tinniswood, ODFW)
Dam Removal
- Dam Removal Update (Dave Coffman, RES)
- Social impact assessment of Klamath dam removal: A collaborative research initiative with the Karuk Tribe (Sibyl Diver, Stanford)
- Project information
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Just Keep Swimming: Estimating survival of juvenile Chinook Salmon through the outlet of Upper Klamath Lake and Keno Dam (James Whelan, Cal Poly Humboldt)
Fall 2022: November 9th and 10th in Yreka
Fall 2022 Meeting Agenda (contains short summaries of each presentation)
Day 1
- Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute / KBMP)
Dam Removal
- Lower Klamath Project Restoration Monitoring (Daniel Chase, RES)
- Pilot study to define composite sediment fingerprints and determine relative contributions from fine-sediment sources along the mainstem Klamath River corridor below Iron Gate Dam, CA (Jennifer Curtis, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Pole-mounted photogrammetry to determine the relationship between digital grain size and surface roughness on gravel bars in the Klamath River, California (Jacob Taylor, Cal Poly Humboldt)
- Water quality, food webs, and equitable decisions in the Klamath (Desiree Tullos and Julie Alexander, Oregon State University)
- Longitudinal Trends in Rooted Aquatic Macrophytes and Filamentous Algae in the Klamath River Below Iron Gate Dam, 2019-2022 (Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana)
- Karuk Tribe Sahpihnîich (Beaver) Research and Recovery (Hannah King and Maddison Hicks, University of Washington; Emilio Tripp, Karuk Tribe)
- Juvenile Spring-run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Susceptibility to Pathogens in the Upper Klamath Basin, to Inform Reintroduction Efforts (Hayden Krause, Oregon State University)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Panel Discussion on Klamath Dam Removal Science and Monitoring
- Dave Coffman, RES
- Chauncey Anderson, USGS
- Jennifer Curtis, USGS
- Tommy Williams, NOAA
- Mike Belchik, Yurok Tribe
Day 2
- Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute / KBMP)
Water Quality
- Characterizing riverscape patterns of dissolved oxygen in the Sprague River Basin (Jonny Armstrong and Jordan Ortega, Oregon State University Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences)
- Long-term trends and nutrient dynamics of Upper Klamath Lake based on updated water and nutrient budgets over WY 1992-2018 (Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences; Jeff Walker, Walker Environmental Research, LLC)
- Relationship between the Relative Abundance and Senescence of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae to Spatial Variability in Microbial Communities and Benthic Microbial Activity in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon (Jennifer Underwood, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Water-quality impacts of recirculating Klamath Straits Drain water into Ady Canal on the Link- Keno reach of the Klamath River (Erik Smith, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Shasta River: Shasta Valley RCD - TMDL Monitoring Program Summary (Ethan Brown, Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District)
- Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP): Towards Implementation (Clint Alexander, ESSA)
- An Overview of the Scott-Shasta Drought Emergency Regulation (Erin Ragazzi, State Water Resources Control Board)
- Enhancing drought resiliency through groundwater recharge in Scott Valley (Giuliano Galdi, UC Cooperative Extension)
- The Agriculture Conservation Easement as a tool for landscape-scale protection of fish and wildlife habitat on privately-owned lands in the Mid-Klamath Watershed (Edward Stanton, Siskiyou Land Trust)
- Lower Klamath Lake/Lower River Watershed Stewardship Planning Process (Moss Driscoll, Klamath Water Users Association)
Fisheries/Fish Health
- Effects of Release Location and Release Timing on Outmigration Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Through the Lower Klamath River (Summer Burdick, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Potential thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency across life stages of shortnose and Lost River sucker, (Freya Rowland, US Geological Survey; Christie Nichols, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Spring 2022: June 16th - Webinar Only
Spring 2022 Meeting Agenda (Contains short summaries of each presentation)
- KBMP Meeting Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
- Putting Fish and Fish Food in the Framework: Using Bioenergetics models to evaluate flow regimes in the Upper Shasta River (Dr. Suzanne Kelson, McBain Associates and the University of Nevada, Reno)
- Updates on a food web dynamics study for the Klamath and other Klamath related projects (Alison O'Dowd, Cal Poly Humboldt)
- Water Quality Monitoring in the Scott River Tailings for Restoration Planning (Erich Yokel, Scott River Watershed Council)
- Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen in Beaver Dam Analogs and Juvenile Coho Salmon Productivity Metrics (Jimmy Faukner, Yurok Tribe)
- Thermal Data Collection from J.C. Boyle Dam to Copco Reservoir: Overview and Uses (Demian Ebert and Todd McDonnell, PacifiCorp and E&S Environmental)
- Lessons Learned from Klamath Basin Stream Temperature Studies: Drivers & Climate Change Implications (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Klamath Integrated Fishery Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP): Moving to Implementation (Clint Alexander, ESSA)
- Two Decades of Monitoring Drought in the Klamath Basin: The Yurok Tribe Environmental Department’s Strategies and Approach (Thomas Starkey-Owens and Kaitlyn Woolling, Yurok Tribe Environmental Department)
- Shasta River Template Safe Harbor Agreement (Jeff Abrams, NOAA)
- Background information is available here- Shasta River Template Safe Harbor Agreement and Site Plans
- Wetland Restoration for Multiple Benefits (Leigh Ann Vradenburg, Klamath Watershed Partnership)
- Analysis of Wetland Treatment Potential at Agency Wetlands (Maia Singer, Stillwater Sciences)
- Upper Klamath Basin Juvenile spring-run Chinook migration study (Mark Hereford, ODFW)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time. Background information is available here- Reintroduction Plan for Anadromous Fish in the Upper Klamath Basin
Fall 2021: November 3rd and 4th - Webinar Only
KBMP is hosting our Fall meeting via Zoom on November 3rd and 4th from 9 am - 2 pm each day.
Meeting Evaluation - Please email completed evaluations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fall 2021 Meeting Agenda
Water Quality
- Upper Klamath Lake Phosphorus Dynamics: Relationship between inflow loading, net sediment P flux, and outflow P load (Jeffery Walker and Jacob Kann, Walker Environmental Research LLC and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences LLC)
- Evaluating phosphorus and sediment loads at two major tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake using long-term statistical models and turbidity regression models (Liam Schenk, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Watershed Action Plan (Megan Skinner, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Watershed Action Plan (Narrative)
- Watershed Action Plan (Appedices)
- Interactive Reach Prioritization Tool (Web map)
- Updating the Nonpoint Source Regulatory Program for Federal Lands in the North Coast Region (Devon Jorgenson and Jonathon Warmerdam, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Climate Change
- Climate Change in the Klamath Basin (Alex Schwartz, Herald and News)
Fisheries and Fish Health
- What can juvenile redband trout tell us about future patterns of anadromous salmonid rearing in the Upper Klamath Basin? (Jordan Ortega, Oregon State University)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Ecosystem productivity and rare habitat features: why spring-fed rivers are poised to succeed under a changing climate (Rob Lusardi, UC Davis)
- Comparison of standard and environmental DNA methods for estimating chinook salmon smolt abundance in the Klamath River, CA (Doyle Coyne, Humboldt State University)
- Quantification of the variability of Ceratonova shasta DNA concentrations in Klamath River water samples (Dylan Keel, Humboldt State University)
- Susceptibility of Spring Chinook (TRH ChS) versus Fall Chinook (IGH ChF) to the myxozoan parasite Ceratonova shasta (Ryan Craig, Oregon State University)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Blue-Green Algae
- Identifying Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) with Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery (Natalie Hall, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Anatoxin-production in the Klamath River and tributaries associated with benthic cyanobacteria (Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana and Flathead Lake Biological Station)
Groundwater and Instream Flow
- An Update of Groundwater Conditions in the Klamath Project Area (Michael Thoma, Oregon Water Resources Department)
- DWR’s support role in SGMA and AEM (Patricia Vellines, Department of Water Resources)
- 2021 Drought Emergency Regulations for the Shasta and Scott Rivers, a focused presentation of CDFW recommendations to the SWB (Joe Croteau, California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Quantifying the effects of groundwater management actions on functional flows for ecosystems, Scott Valley, CA (Claire Kouba, UC Davis)
Dam Removal
- A longitudinally dynamic geomorphic map of the Klamath River corridor (Adam Bentham, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Removing the compost heaps: Anticipating the effects of dam removal on the Klamath River water quality and food web (Desiree Tullos and Julie Alexander, Oregon State University)
- Off-channel pond habitats create temperature diversity within the Mid-Klamath watershed (Jessie Moravek, UC Berkeley)
- Parks Creek Flow Enhancement Project (Asil Donna, Aquaterra Consulting)
- High Definition Stream Survey: A New Method to Managing Rivers and Streams (Brett Connell and James Parham, Trutta Environmental Solutions)
Spring 2021: No Meeting
Due to a gap in funding, KBMP will not be hosting a Spring meeting this year. We expect funding to support KBMP by early summer and will plan for a fall meeting. If you have any recommendations for presentations, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Meeting 26: November 10, 2020 - Webinar Only
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the fall KBMP meeting was a webinar only event.
Fall 2020 Meeting Agenda
Future Presenters: If you want to recommend a topic or speaker for a future KBMP meeting, please email Randy or call at 707-499-5521.
Climate Change
- Assessing the vulnerability of water resources to climate change (Michael Furniss, Humboldt State University)
- Karuk Climate Plan (Kari Norgaard, University of Oregon)
- 20th Century Retreat and Recent Drought Accelerated Extinction of Mountain Glaciers and Perennial Snowfields in the Trinity Alps, California (Justin Garwood, California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Trinity River
- The Trinity River Restoration Program Looks at 20 (James Lee, Trinity River Restoration Program)
- Thermal diversity and pool stratification in natural and regulated pools on the Trinity River, California (Todd Buxton, Trinity River Restoration Program)
- Trinity River Restoration Program and Adaptive Management: Habitat Effectiveness Monitoring (Josh Boyce, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (Phase 3): New Basin Wide Restoration Prioritization Tool to Enable Ongoing Adaptive Management (Clint Alexander and Matt Baun, ESSA and US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Clean Water Act Implementation on Klamath Basin National Forest Lands in California: What's working, what's not working and how water quality, stream hydrology and salmon habitat are likely impacted (Felice Pace, North Group Redwood Chapter Sierra Club)
- For more information, visit GrazingReform.org
- Impacts of flow releases on invertebrate drift and juvenile Chinook salmon diet on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam (Thomas Starkey-Owens, Yurok Tribe Environmental Program; and Jasmine Shen, Humboldt State University)
- Detection of the Invertebrate Host of Salmonid Myxozoan Parasites Using eDNA (Sascha Hallet and Julie Alexander, Oregon State University)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
Dam Removal
- Revegetating and monitoring the Klamath reservoirs after dam removal and lessons learned from the Elwha (Josh Chenowith, Yurok Tribe)
- Using Regional Bird and Habitat Conservation Plans and Bird and Habitat Monitoring to Inform Adaptive Revegetation Planning and Implementation and to Measure the Broad Ecological Benefits of Dam Removal on the Klamath River (John Alexander, Klamath Bird Observatory)
- Sediment response to the April 2020 flushing flow release (Scott Wright, US Geological Survey)
- This presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Quantifying Geomorphons on the Klamath River Prior to Dam Removal (Adam Benthem, US Geological Survey)
Meeting 25: May 27, 2020- Webinar Only
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the spring KBMP meeting was a webinar only event.
Spring 2020 Meeting Agenda
Water Quality
- Relationships between water temperature, air temperature, and river flows at Scott River gage (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Water quality monitoring in restored habitats in tributaries of the Scott River for the recovery of Coho Salmon (Erich Yokel, Scott River Watershed Council)
- Adaptive management and TMDL implementation: Shasta and Scott River status and trends through 2019 (Eli Scott, NCRWQCB)
- Application of unmanned aerial vehicle imagery to detect and quantify submerged filamentous algae and macrophytes in a non-wadeable river (Chippie Kislik, UC Berkeley)
- Brief update on the Klamath Basin fisheries database effort (Jimmy Faukner, Yurok Tribe)
- Monitoring salmonids in the Klamath River using environmental DNA in water samples (Andrew Kinziger, Humboldt State University)
- Understanding how stream flows mediate food web productivity to inform environmental flows in the Upper Shasta River, CA (Suzanne Kelson, University of Nevada, Reno)
Dam Removal
- Using biological indicators to monitor source, transport, and fate of sediments and trace-elements in the Klamath River during baseline conditions (Terry Short, USGS)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Defining a basin-scale framework to assess geomorphic response along the mainstem Klamath River downstream of Iron Gate Dam (Jenny Curtis, USGS)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Watershed Action Plan update (Megan Skinner, USFWS)
- Collective efforts to address habitat impairments from legacy placer mining impacts in the Middle Klamath Basin (Jay Stallman, Stillwater Sciences)
- Klamath Basin IFRMP (Phase 3): Prioritizing restoration across multiple species and spatial scales (Clint Alexander and Matt Baun, ESSA and US Fish and Wildlife Service)
If you would like to submit a proposal for presenting at a future KBMP meeting, please contact Randy at 707-499-5521 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Meeting 24: November 13-14, 2019- Yreka, CA
Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)
Fall 2019 Meeting Agenda
Water Quality
- Upper Klamath Lake Agricultural Water Quality Partnership Update (Beth Pietrzak & Mike Hiatt, Oregon Department of Agriculture & Oregon Department of Environmental Quality)
- Update on QA/QC assessment of changes in monitoring program for upper Klamath Lake and its tributaries (Jennifer Morace, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Long-Term Stream Temperature Trends in the Klamath Basin (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
Dam Removal
- Dam Removal Update (Mark Bransom, Klamath River Renewal Corporation)
- Verbal update and Q&A only
- Pre-Dam Removal Topographic Base-Line Data Collection on the Klamath River: Collaboration In Action (DJ Bandrowski, Yurok Tribe)
- Developing a Sediment Budget for the Klamath River (Scott Wright, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Modeling a 2- and 4-Foot Drawdown in the Link River to Keno Dam Reach of the Upper Klamath River (Annett Sullivan, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Klamath Basin Fisheries Reintroduction Plan Update (Mark Hereford, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Sucker Propagation Program for the Klamath Tribes (Alex Gonyaw, The Klamath Tribes)
- USFWS Sucker Rearing Program (Zach Tiemann, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Klamath River juvenile coho salmon PIT tag database (Jimmy Faukner, Yurok Tribe)
- South Fork Salmon Tributary Habitat Enhancement Project Monitoring (Whelan Gilkerson, Merkel and Associates)
- Update on the Yreka Creek Greenway Project (Tom Hesseldenz, Tom Hesseldenz & Associates)
- Restoration Work in the Scott River (Betsy Stapleton, Scott River Watershed Council)
- Kelly Bar Habitat Enhancement Project (Mel Van Scoyoc, Salmon River Restoration Council)
Blue-Green Algae
- When the River Turns Green: Toxigenic Cyanobacterial Trends in the Klamath River with Implications for Public Health Monitoring (Jake Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Algae and Aquatic Plants Assemblages below Klamath River Dams, including the Timing, Extent, and Toxicity of Benthic Cyanobacteria (Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana)
- Overview of Algal Biomass Harvest feasibility study in Upper Klamath Lake, OR (Maia Singer & Randy Turner, Stillwater Sciences & San Francisco Estuary Institute)
If you have any questions, please contact a Steering Committee member or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Meeting 23: November 14-15*, 2018- Klamath Falls, OR
Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Agenda (Updated 11/6/18)
This KBMP meeting has a restoration theme. Here is a summary of responses to a pre-meeting survey regarding restoration of water quality.
Water Quality
- Overview of Upper Klamath Basin Water Quality and Watershed Nutrient Dynamics (Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Science Simplified: 2017 Middle and Lower Klamath "State of the Basin" Water Quality Reports (Eli Asarian and Laurel Genzoli, Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium)
- Monitoring On The Shasta River (Mike Riney, Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District)
- Identifying sediment characteristics in the Sprague River basin using elemental analysis and stable isotopes: results from pilot scale sampling for sediment fingerprinting (Liam Schenk, US Geological Survey)
- Sucker Status Update (Josh Rasmussen, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
Surface and Groundwater
- Overview of Continuous Data Network (Marc Stewart, US Geological Survey)
- Groundwater Monitoring and the Effects of Drought in the Klamath Basin Project Area (Michael Thoma, Oregon Water Resources Department)
- Presentation on Two Experimental Learning Programs (Michael Hughes, Oregon Institute of Technology)
Restoration Planning
- Watershed Restoration Analysis: Efforts in Western Oregon using Virtual Watersheds (Lee Benda, TerrainWorks)
- Sediment Loss Analysis & Measurement Tool: SLAM (Denis Reich, The Freshwater Trust)
- Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan: Status Update (Natascia Tamburello and Marc Porter, ESSA)
- Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Action Plan (Nell Scott, Trout Unlimited)
- Update and Discussion on Priority Water Quality Improvement Techniques: Review of IM10 Workshop on Water Quality Improvement Techniques for the Upper Klamath Basin (Maia Singer, Stillwater Sciences)
- Priority Water Quality Improvement Techniques (Demian Ebert, PacifiCorp)
Restoration Implementation
- Do You Need It, Can You Build It, Will it Work?: Site Selection and Monitoring for Constructed Off-Channel Habitat (Charles Wickman, Mid Klamath Watershed Council)
- Rearing Habitat Responses at TRRP Rehabilitation Sites (Aaron Martin, Yurok Tribe)
- Agriculture and its Role in Ecosystem Restoration (Mark Johnson, Klamath Water Users Association)
- Oregon’s Agricultural Water Quality Program: Reducing Phosphorous Loading from Agricultural Operations to Upper Klamath Lake (Beth Pietrzak, Oregon Department of Agriculture)
- Stage 0 Restoration Approach and Design (Paul Powers, US Forest Service)
- Supporting research paper on Stage 0 restoration- A process-based approach to restoring depositional river valleys to Stage 0, an anastomosing channel network
Meeting 22: May 2-3, 2018- Yreka, CA
Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)
Meeting 22 Presentations
- Big Mac Bugs vs Slim Fast Bugs: Not all Fish Food-Prey are Equal: Fatty Acid Composition of Macro-Invertebrate food is essential to survival of juvenile salmonids (Cynthia LeDoux-Bloom, Hoopa Valley Tribe)
Water Quality
- Predicted response of salmon River Stream temperatures to climate change (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- IM15 Data Analysis (Clayton Creager, Cameron Heyvaert, and Kathleen Abbott, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Groundwater Interactions
- Vertical Hydraulic Gradient at the Sediment-Water Interface in Upper Klamath Lake Oregon, 2017 (Nick Corson-Dosch, US Geological Survey)
Blue-Green Algae
Algal Bloom decline and low dissolved oxygen related to a fish kill of endangered adult suckers in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon (Jake Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
Estuary Science
- Tectonic Factors Controlling Nearshore and Offshore Sedimentation at the Klamath River Mouth (Jay Patton, Cascadia GeoSciences)
- Summary of Yurok Tribe Estuary Workshop (Matt Hanington, Yurok Tribe Environmental Program)
- Indicators of watershed restoration: Results from two decades of bird monitoring throughout the Klamath Basin ( Sarah Rockwell, Klamath Bird Observatory)
- Monitoring Results for BDAs in the Scott River Watershed: Fish utilization, passage and habitat changes (Betsy Stapleton, Scott River Watershed Council; and Shari Witmore, NOAA Fisheries)
- Seiad Creek Floodplain Restoration (Toz Soto, Karuk Tribe)
- Trinity River Restoration Program Overview (Mike Dixon, Trinity River Restoration Program)
Dam Removal
- Updates on the proposed dam removal Process (Ben Swann, CDM Smith)
- Presentation is not available for online viewing at this time
- Future of KBMP and Funding Discussion (Clayton Creager, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board; Lyra Cressey, Salmon River Restoration Council)
Meeting 21: November 14-15, 2017- Klamath Falls, OR
Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Meeting 21 Presentations
- Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Stream Flow
- Regulation of Instream Flows for the Klamath Tribes (Kyle Gorman, Oregon Water Resources Department)
- Quantifying Regulation Streamflow in the Sprague River Basin (Tamara Wood, US Geological Survey)
- Seasonal Movements of Redband Rainbow Trout in Upper Klamath Lake* (Jonny Armstrong, Oregon State University)
- * Presentation contains preliminary data and is not yet fully quality assured.
- The Genetic and Evolutionary Basis of Premature Migration in Pacific Salmon Provides Iinsights into Conserving Klamath Spring Chinook and Restoring Upper Basin Populations after Dam Removal (Tasha Thompson, UC Davis)
Water Quality
- Phenology of Water Quality and Plankton in Upper Klamath Lake (Jens Munk Nielsen, University of Washington)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing at this time
- Wildfire Smoke Reduces Peak Summer Water Temperatures in Klamath Basin Streams (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Water Temperature Transaction Tool (W3T) – Recent Applications (Mike Deas, Watercourse Engineering)
- Insights from the Salmon River’s 20-year Water Temperature Monitoring Program (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences and Lyra Cressey, Salmon River Restoration Council)
Blue-Green Algae
- Patterns of Cyanobacterial Dominance and Succession in Two Contrasting Klamath Basin Systems Dominated by Aphanizomenon and Microcystis (Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- The Relative Importance of Diatoms and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae in the Diets of Upper Klamath Lake Zooplankton (Michael Brett, University of Washington)
- Applications of Satellite Data to Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Klamath Basin (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
- Toxigenic Cyanobacterial Trends in the Middle Klamath River, 2005-2016 (Laurel Genzoli, Consulting Aquatic Ecologist)
Dam Removal
- Klamath River Renewal Project Update (Ben Swann, CDM Smith)
- River Response to Dam Removal on the Elwha River, WA, and a Synthesis Perspective on Dam Removal (Amy East, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Screening-level Evaluation of Potential Toxicity Risks from Release of Sediments Behind Four Dams on the Klamath River, OR and CA (Chauncey Anderson, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Insights from Stage 1 of the Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan (IFRMP) & Next Steps (Clint Alexander, ESSA)
- Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report (Karen Mallory, Shasta Valley RCD and Eli Scott, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Survival of Riparian Trees planted on TNC’s Shasta Big Springs Ranch (Ada Fowler, The Nature Conservancy)
- An Innovative Approach to Urban Stream Restoration in the Klamath Basin (Tom Hesseldenz, Tom Hesseldenz and Associates)
- Sun Creek reconnection project for Bull Trout (Nell Scott, Trout Unlimited)
- Ríos to Rivers: Uniting Klamath Basin Youth and Youth from Chilean Patagonia (Laurel Genzoli, Consulting Aquatic Ecologist)
Meeting 20: March 15-16, 2017- Klamath, CA
Yurok Tribe Community Room
190 Klamath Blvd., Klamath, CA 95548
Water Quality
- GIS Stream Temperature Modeling of Yurok Ancestral Territory (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- Lower Klamath Tributaries’ WQ baseline monitoring and inputs into the mainstem (Suzanne Fluharty, Yurok Tribe Environmental Program)
- CE-QUAL-W2 Model of Potential Treatment Wetlands Sites Adjacent to Keno Reservoir (Mike Deas, Watercourse Engineering)
- The Organic Carbon Story- Klamath/Lost River Basin (Jami Goldman, US Geological Survey)
- Seasonal effects of solar radiation on water temperatures in a spring-fed creek – challenges to improving habitat conditions for Coho Salmon during critical time periods (Bill Chesney, California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Patterns in Fecal Indicator Bacteria in the Scott River Watershed & E. coli Violations in the Shasta River (Crystal Robinson, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation; Laurel Genzoli, Consulting Aquatic Ecologist; and Susan Fricke, Karuk Tribe)
Restoration and Planning
- Blue Creek Forest Sanctuary: Restoring old growth forest ecosystem function, protecting salmon, wildlife, and traditional-life ways and culture in the face of climate change (Tim Hayden, Yurok Tribe Fisheries Program)
- Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program: 2017 Update (Carrie Sanneman, Willamette Partnership)
- Yurok Restoration Efforts within the Klamath Basin - Integration of Tribal Workforce and new 3D Modeling Technology on the Trinity River (David 'DJ' Bandrowski, Yurok Tribe Watershed Program)
- Watershed Restoration in the Lower Klamath Sub-basin (Sarah Beesley, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program; and Rocco Fiori , Fiori Geosciences)
- Overview of Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) Activities (Ben Swann, CDM Smith; Seth Gentzler, AECOM; and Peter Okurowski, Klamath River Renewal Corporation)
- Long-Term Plan to Protect Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River EIS (Mary Paasch, MWH/Stantec)
- Fish Rescue and Relocation in Tributaries of the Lower Klamath River, 2008 –2015 (Jimmy Faukner, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program)
- Broad-scale Environmental DNA Sampling to Create a Multispecies Atlas (Kevin McKelvey, US Forest Service)
- Shasta and Scott River Juvenile Salmonid Production Estimates 2000-2016 (Bill Chesney, California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Field Trip
- Tour of restoration projects in Terwer Creek (Sarah Beasley, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program; and Rocco Fiori, Fiori Geosciences)
Meeting 19: November 9-10, 2016- Yreka, CA
Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)
Planned Meeting 19 Presentations
Water Quality
- IM15 Data Compilation and Analysis (Elyse Will and Clayton Creager, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Future of KBMP (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Blue-Green Algae
- Multi-year analysis of Microcystis population structure and toxigenicity in Copco and Iron Gate Reservoir (Tim Otten, Bend Genetics)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of blue-green algae on the lower Klamath River based on real-time phycocyanin monitoring (Laurel Genzoli, contracting Aquatic Ecologist)
- Using transects to understand cyanobacterial blooms (John Rueter, Portland State University)
- Ranchers' Perspective on Beaver-based Watershed Restoration in the Great Basin (Susan Charnley, US Forest Service)
- Wocus in Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes (Megan Skinner, Klamath Tribes)
- Upper Klamath Special Investment Partnership Accomplishments Summary Report (Ken Fetcho, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board & Heather Hendrixson, The Nature Conservancy)
- The persistence and characteristics of chinook salmon migrations to the upper Klamath River prior to exclusion by dams (John Hamilton, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- Introduction to the Klamath Integrated Fisheries and Restoration Monitoring Plan (Clint Alexander, ESSA)
- Sources and Residence Times of Groundwater in Shasta County, CA Determined by Isotopic Tracers (Brad Esser, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Field Trip
- Tour of Beaver Dam Analog site in Scott Valley (Charnna Gilmore, Betsy Stapleton, and Erich Yokel, Scott River Watershed Council & Siskiyou Resource Conservation District)
Meeting 18: April 20-21, 2016- Klamath Falls, OR
Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union Building- Mt. Mazama Room
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Meeting 18 Presentations
- Introduction (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
- Groundwater Hydrology of the Upper Klamath Basin: Connections to Streams and Agricultural Return Flows (Marshall Gannett, US Geological Survey)
Water Quality
- Spatial and Temporal Nutrient Loading Dynamics in the Sprague River Basin, Oregon: Part 1 (Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Benthic Processes Affecting Contaminant Transport in Upper Klamath Lake (Jim Kuwabara and Jim Carter, US Geological Survey)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing. USGS web page for Benthic Flux of Metals and Nutrient Project.
- Preliminary Nutrient Budget Results for The Reclamation Klamath Project (Liam Shenk, US Geological Survey)
- Presentation not available for online viewing. Contains preliminary data.
- Water Levels, Salinity, and Bird Communities on Lower Klamath Refuge During Recent Drought Conditions (Michael Hughes,Oregon Institute of Technology)
- Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Total Phosphorus Transport in the Upper Klamath Lake Watershed: Preliminary Results (Richard Smith, US Geological Survey)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing. USGS web page for SPARROW Surface Water Quality Monitoring.
Fish Health
- Endangered Sucker Research in the Klamath Basin (Dave Hewitt, US Geological Survey)
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing. The presentation was based partly on published research including:
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Endangered Juvenile Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Relation to Environmental Variables in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: 2009 Annual Data Summary
- Health and condition of endangered juvenile Lost River and shortnose suckers relative to water quality and fish assemblages in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, and Clear Lake Reservoir, California
- Distribution and condition of young-of-year Lost River and shortnose suckers in the Williamson River Delta restoration project and Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2008-10--Final Report
- Status and trends of adult Lost River (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose (Chasmistes brevirostris) sucker populations in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2014
- Presentation contains preliminary data and is not available for online viewing. The presentation was based partly on published research including:
- Myxospore Particle Size Distribution and Settling Rate Assessment (Mike Deas, Watercourse Engineering)
- Ceratonova shasta Dynamics in the Klamath River: 2015 Versus the Previous Decade (Julie Alexander and Sascha Hallett, Oregon State University)
- Potential for Increasing Late-Summer Streamflow in the Scott Valley with Conjunctive Use Management (Preston Harris, Scott River Water Trust; and Gus Tolley, UC Davis)
- Treatment Wetland Pilot Project Development in the Upper Klamath Basin (Nell Scott, Trout Unlimited)
- Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium's Non-point Source Pollution Management Plan for the Upper Klamath Basin (Eli Asarian and Cindy Buxton, Riverbend Sciences)
- KTAP Project Stewardship Reporting Update (Carrie Sanneman, Willamette Partnership)
- Panel- Restoration in the Big Picture: Achieving Watershed Scale Objectives (Moderator: Maia Singer, Stillwater Sciences. Panelists: Heather Hendrixson, The Nature Conservancy; Megan Skinner, The Klamath Tribes; Rick Carlson, US Bureau of Reclamation; David Ferguson, Natural Resource Conservation Service; Sarah Beesley, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program)
Blue-Green Algae
- Blue-green Algae in the Lower Klamath River: Results from 8 Years of Real-Time Monitoring with Phycocyanin Probes (Laurel Genzoli, University of Wyoming; and Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Use of Satellites to Examine CyanoHABs in California's Large Waterbodies (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Meeting 17: November 4-5, 2015- Yreka, CA
Meeting Agenda (Revised on 10/27/15)
Karuk Community Center, 1836 Apsuun, Yreka- Map
(Also known as Karuk Tribal Housing Authority)
Meeting 17 Presentations
- Introductions, Agenda, and Announcements (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Land Use
- Conservation Perils from Marijuana Cultivation on Public Lands in California (Mourad Gabriel, Integral Ecology Research Center)
Fisheries and Fish Health
- 2015 Ich Monitoring (Mike Belchik,Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program)
- Ceratonova shasta infections in Klamath River juvenile Chinook salmon: water quality and climatic factors associated with disease prevalence and severity (Kim True, US Fish and Wildlife Service CA-NV Fish Health Center)
- Summary of Abundance Monitoring on the Mainstem Klamath River Below Iron Gate Dam, California, 2000-2014 (Bill Pinnix, US Fish and Wildlife Service)
Instream Flows
- Instream flows on the north coast: Progress Report (Bryan McFadin, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Nutrient form and loading in the Klamath River Estuary (Matt Hanington,Yurok Tribe)
- Evaluating nutrient loads to Upper Klamath Lake using real time turbidity and streamflow data sets for surrogate regressions (Liam Schenk,US Geological Survey) - Link pending- data still preliminary
- Lower Klamath River Metabolism Study (Laurel Genzoli, University of Wyoming)
- Restoration effectiveness monitoring of bedload in the Wood River using an acoustic doppler (Michael Hughes, Oregon Institute of Technology)
- Database Standardization and Long-term Trends in Upper Klamath Lake Plankton: 1990-2013 (Jake Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences and and Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
- A comprehensive interagency stream temperature database and set of scenarios for all streams in the Klamath basin (Daniel Isaak,US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station)
- Post Assisted Woody Structures: Implementing the First Beaver Dam Analog Structures in California (Betsy Stapleton, Charnna Gilmore, Peter Thamer, and Erich Yokel, Scott River Watershed Council)
- Salmon River Floodplain and Mine-Tailing Restoration project (Josh Strange, Stillwater Sciences)
- New WaterSMART Program and keys to successful grant writing (Brandon "Kirk" Young, US Bureau of Reclamation)
Meeting 16: April 29-30, 2015- Yreka, CA
Meeting Agenda (Revised)- includes directions
Meeting Summary and Discussion Notes
Meeting 16 Presentations
- Introductions, Agenda, and Announcements (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Watershed Updates
- Baseline studies in the Shasta River (Mike Deas, Watercourse Engineering)
- Hayfork Community Wetland Enhancement Project and South Fork Trinity update on spring chinook and drought (Josh Smith, The Watershed Center)
Land Use
- The Marin Carbon Project: Research results, soil health and carbon farm planning (Jeffrey Creque, Carbon Cycle Institute)
- Upper Klamath Lake Watershed Ranch Production and Sustainability (David Ferguson, Natural Resources Conservation Service; and Joe Watkins, Klamath Soil and Water Conservation District)
Fisheries and Fish Health
- Four Years of Sentinel Sucker work in Upper Klamath Lake and Wetlab Water Quality Studies (Scott Foott, CA/NV Fish Health Center)
- Riverscape Genetics Identifies a Cryptic Lineage of Speckled Dace in the Klamath-Trinity Basin (Jesse Wiesenfeld- Humboldt State University)
Instream Flows
- The Science of Recommending Instream Flows: A Cautionary Tale for the Shasta River (Bill Trush, Humboldt State University)
- Restoring Instream Flows: Regulatory & Voluntary Solutions (Konrad Fisher, Klamath Riverkeeper)
Blue-Green Algae
- A physiological ecology perspective on the humic hypothesis: Do marsh derived humics suppress Aphanizomenon? (John Rueter, Portland State University)
- Preliminary Investigation of 2014 Microcystis bloom dynamics in Upper Klamath Lake (Jake Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Genetic assessment of overwintering, benthic Microcystis populations and their linkage to blooms at the surface (Tim Otten, Oregon State University)
- Water temperature trends from a long term data set in the Klamath River and tributaries (Susan Corum, Karuk Tribe)
- Survival and Movement of Coho Salmon in the Shasta River (Chris Adams, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Using birds as indicator species to assess the effects of riparian restoration and dam removal (Sarah Rockwell, Klamath Bird Observatory)
- OWRD Gaging Network Improvement for Implementation of the Comprehensive Upper Klamath Basin Settlement Agreement (Kyle Gorman, Oregon Water Resources Department)
- Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Groundwater Monitoring Program (Crystal Robinson, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation)
- Klamath River Basin Study - Developing Adaptation Strategies (Shelley McGinnis and Marketa Elsner, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation)
- Gross Primary Production and Community Respiration in Upper Klamath Lake- Calculation from Continuous Monitoring Data and Implications for Lake Water Quality (Tammy Wood, U.S. Geological Survey)
- Recent and future restoration in the Upper Basin (Heather Hendrixson, The Nature Conservancy; and Jared Bottcher, Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust)
Meeting 15: November 5 - 6, 2014- Yreka, CA
Meeting Summary and Discussion Notes
Meeting 15 Presentations
- Introductions, Agenda, and Announcements (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Watershed Updates
- Water Quality Improvement Activities in the Klamath Basin (Clayton Creager, NCRWQCB)
- Shasta River Watershed Stewardship Report: Summary of Water Quality Assessment and Planning Efforts (Steve Butkus, NCRWQCB and Karen Mallory, Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District)
- 2014 Results for Scott River Water Trust leasing and coho rescue efforts (Preston Harris, Scott River Water Trust and Chris Adams, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Video of coho rescue efforts- ABC Nightline News
- Update: 3 KTAP Pilot Projects(Carrie Sanneman, Willamette Partnership)
- Upper Klamath Basin - Decision Management Framework(Chantell Krider)
KBMP Tools and Admin
- KBMP Monitoring Plan Update and Online Resources (Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
- CEDEN and EcoAtlas: Making uploads quick and data visualization easy (Randy Turner and Adam Wong, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
- KBMP Admin- Discuss voting for officers, member renewals, spring meeting selection(Randy Turner, San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Fish Health
- Long-term Surveillance of a Salmonid Pathogen (Ceratonova shasta) by Molecular Quantification of Waterborne Stages in River Samples: Informing Model Development and Management Strategies (Sascha Hallett, Oregon State University)
- The Facts about Ich (Dr. Joshua Strange, Stillwater Sciences)
- Latest updates for ich monitoring in the lower Klamath River (Mike Belchik, Yurok Tribal Fisheries)
- Groundwater level update, Upper Klamath Basin in Oregon (Ivan Gall, Oregon Water Resources Department)
Instream Flows
- Instream flows: new tools to quantify water quality conditions for returning adult Chinook salmon (Amy Campbell, The Nature Conservancy and Ann Willis, UC Davis)
- Use of a Dynamic SPARROW model to evaluate loads of phosphorus into Upper Klamath Lake (Joe Domagalski and Dina Saleh, US Geological Survey)
- Problem Solving with Integrated Hydrologic Models using MODFLOW – One Water Hydrologic Model (OWHM) (Randall Hanson, US Geological Survey)
- Upper Klamath Lake Monitoring Optimization Study (Tammy Wood, US Geological Survey)
- Klamath River Basin Study Update (Marketa Elsner and Shelley McGinnis, US Geological Survey)
Land Use
- Understanding Irrigation Practices and Crop Water Use in Scott and Shasta Valleys (Steve Orloff, UC Cooperative Extension- Siskiyou County)
- Project to Reform Public Land Grazing in Northern California (Felice Pace)
- Creating coho off channel rearing habitat in the Mid Klamath Basin(Toz Soto, Karuk Tribe)
- Restoring Lakeshore Wetlands: one slice at time(Heather Hendrixson, The Nature Conservancy)
- Beaver Management Program(Ginny Monroe, Klamath Watershed Partnership)
Blue-Green Algae/ Primary Production
- Diurnal variability in microcystin toxin and Microcystis cell density in the Klamath River: implications for sampling (Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystems)
- Blue-green algae developments at the national and state level (Sue Keydel, Environmental Protection Agency)
- Effect of Nutrients, Streamflow, and Water Temperature on Klamath River Periphyton Community Composition, 2004-2013 (Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences)
Meeting 14: April 30 - May 1, 2014- Yreka, CA
Meeting 14 Presentations
- Introduction of new KBMP Coordinator (Randy Turner - KBMP)
- Klamath River Basin Study Update (Shelley McGinnis & Mark Spears - US BOR)
- DNA fingerprinting and source-tracking of Microcystis populations throughout the Klamath River system (Tim Otten & Theo Dreher - OSU)
- Polychaetes and Periphyton, oh my! (Josh Strange - Stillwater Sciences)
- Predicting Disease- Myxozoans and Salmon in the Klamath River (Julie Alexander - OSU)
- Proposed Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement (Dani Watson - UKWUA)
- Shasta River Canyon Instream Flow Needs Assessment (Gabe Rossi - McBain Associates)
- Shasta Water Settlement (Craig Tucker - Karuk Tribe & Gary Black - Consultant)
- 2013 Salmon River Water Quality and Fire Impacts (Crystal Robinson - Karuk Tribe)
- SPARROW Modeling for N and P in California (Joe Domagalski - USGS)
- Remediation Insights Provided by a Technical Assessment of the UKL TMDL model (Tammy Wood - USGS)
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Periphyton Assemblages in the Klamath River 2004-2012 (Eli Asarian - Kier Associates)
Meeting 13: November 6th and 7th, 2013 Yreka, CA
Meeting Action Items from last meeting
Meeting 13 Presentations
- Water Quality Improvement Techniques for the Upper Klamath Basin – (Maia Singer – Stillwater Sciences)
- NOAA Fisheries Restoration Priorities – (Julie Weeder – NOAA Fisheries)
- Status of Klamath Basin Sucker Populations and Recovery Plan – (Josh Rasmussen – USFWS)
- Upper Klamath Water Allocations - (Marlon Sherman – Humboldt State University)
- Klamath Tribes Sprague River Water Quality Laboratory (SRWQL) Information and Update – (Craig Spoonemore – Klamath Tribes Research Station)
- Update on the In-stream Flow Dedication Process for California – (Matt McCarthy – SWRCB)
- In-stream Water Dedication in California – Big Springs – (Amy Hoss – The Nature Conservancy)
- In-stream Water Leasing / Dedication Programs in Oregon – (Chrysten Lambert – Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust)
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microcystins and their Relation to Other Water Quality Variables in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon – (Sara Eldridge – USGS)
- Tailwater Management - Neighborhood Prioritization Process – (Lisa Unkefer – AquaTerra)
- Shasta Valley Stewardship Report and Monitoring Plan (Part 1 & Part 2)– (Clayton Creager – NCRWQCB & Chantell Krider - KBMP)
- Klamath River Basin Study – (Shelley McGinnis and Marketa Elsner – BOR)
- Diel Trends of Microcystin and Microcystis in the Klamath River – (Crystal Bowman – Karuk Tribe)
- Review of Public Health Guidelines for Microcystin and the Relationship Between Microcystis Cell Density and Microcystin in the Klamath River – (Jake Kann – Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Cyanobacteria Bloom Alters Ecosystem Metabolism in the Lower Klamath River – (Laurel Genzoli – University of Wyoming)
- PacifiCorp Water Quality Studies – (Linda Prendergast – PacifiCorp)
- Upper Klamath Lake Water Quality Rehabilitation Strategies (Algal biomass detoxification and sediment treatments) – (Nancy Simon – USGS)
- Water SMART Priorities Grant Program- (Elizabeth Nielson- BOR)
Meeting 12: March 20th and 21st, 2013 Yreka, CA
Meeting Action Items from last meeting
Meeting 12 Presentations
- Water Quality Workshop Results - (Maia Singer - Stillwater Sciences)
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board - (Dana Hicks - OWEB)
- NFWF - Water Temperature Transaction Tool (W3T) - (Mike Deas - Watercourse)
- Upper Klamath Conservation Action Network - (Heather Hendrixson - TNC)
- Upper Klamath Business Plan - NFWF - (Krystyna Wolniakowski - NFWF)
- Water Rights and Restoration Projects - (Kyle Gorman - Oregon Water Resources)
- Sprague River Water Quality Monitoring - (Rosemary Records - CSU)
- Algal Biomass Removal Project Proposal - (Chuck Korson - BOR)
- Klamath River Periphyton Monitoring - (Ken Fetcho and Crystal Bowman - Yurok and Karuk Tribes)
- Iron Gate Log Boom SONDE - (Andy Lincoff - EPA)
- BGA Genetics - (Tim Otten - OSU)
- Bird Monitoring as an Aid to Riparian Restoration - (Sarah Rockwell - KBO)
- Link / Keno Model Update - (Annett Sullivan - USGS)
- Basin Status Report and Action Plan - (Steve Kirk - ODEQ)
- Seven Mile / Wood River Valley Restoration - (Heather Hendrixson - TNC)
- Climate Change and the Klamath Basin - (Russell Perry - USGS)
- Trinity River Restoration Program - (Robin Schrock - TRRP)
- Scott Basin Water Trust - (Sari Sommarstrom - Scott River Water Trust)
- Shackleford Creek Water Quality - (Kim Mattson - QVIR)
Meeting 11: November 7th and 8th, 2012 Yreka, CA
Action item update from last meeting
Meeting 11 Presentations
- Groundwater Monitoring Results from the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation - (Kim Mattson - QVIR)
- Scott Basin Watershed Flow Model - (Craig Tucker - Karuk Tribe)
- Shasta River Instream Flow Studies - (Bill Trush - Watershed Institute)
- Big Springs Temperatue Modeling - Shasta Basin - (Mike Deas - Watercourse)
- Shasta / Scott Water Management - (John Clements - GEI)
- Tribal Water Rights - (Marlon Sherman - Humboldt State University)
- Update on Monitoring Adaptive Water Management at Wood River Wetland - (Andy Hamilton - BLM)
- What Can We Learn form Eleven Years of Klamath River Sonde Data - (Eli Asarian - Kier Associates)
- Pheriphyton Study - (Ken Fetcho - Yurok Tribe)
- Eel River Trophic Interactions - (Mary Power - UC Berkeley)
- Modeling Water Quality Fluxes in the Sprague River - (Rosemary Records - Colorado State)
- Modeling water Quality Effects of Changes in the Link-Keno Reach of the Klamath River - (Annett Sullivan - USGS)
- Evaluation of Upper Klamath Lake Phosphorus Model and Suggestions for Updates and Improvements - (Tammy Wood - USGS)
- Klamath Water Quality Workshop Update - (Clayton Creager - NCRWQCB)
- Klamath Tracking and Accouting Program - (Carrie Sanneman - Willamette Partnership)
- State Revolving Funds - Implications for Stewardship - (Janice Clemons - SWRCB)
- Cross-sector Partnership and Collaborative Conservation in the Upper Klamath Basin - UKCAN - (Kim Ryals - KBRT)
- California Environmental Data Exchange Network - (Mark Pranger - CEDEN)
Meeting 10: April 4th and 5th, 2012 Yreka, CA
Action item update from last meeting & new action items
Meeting 10 Presentations
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board - Klamath Projects - (Melissa Leoni - OWEB) - SIP Handout
- Updated Upper Klamath Lake Nutrient Budget - (Jake Kann - Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
- Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program - Update - (Renee Davis-Born - OWEB)
- Water Adjudication - Oregon - (Scott White - Oregon Water Resources)
- Lost River and Shortnose Sucker Recovery Plan and Critical Habitat - (Josh Rasmussen - USFWS)
- Oregon TMDL - Update (Steve Kirk - ODEQ)
- Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement - Monitoring Update - (Mike Deas - Watercourse)
- Improving Ecosystem Management - (John Alexander - Klamath Bird Observatory)- LARGE FILE
- French Creek Restoration - (Stuart Farber - W.M. Beaty & Associates)
- Williamson River Delta Restoration - (Natanya Hayden - TNC)
- Wood River Wetland Monitoring - (Andy Hamilton - BLM)
- Stewardship Report Outline
Meeting 9: November 9th and 10th, 2011 Arcata, CA
Meeting 9 Presentations
- Klamath Secretarial Determination Scientific Studies Overview – (Chauncey Anderson – USGS)
- Upper Klamath Lake Monitoring Program – (Liam Schenk – USGS)
- Upper Klamath Lake – Sediment Core Study – (Chauncey Anderson – USGS)
- Tracking and Accounting Program (KTAP) – (Gail Louis – EPA)
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Keno Wetland Treatment Study – (Mike Deas – Watercourse)
- Klamath Fish Health Research Team Update – (Julie Alexander – Oregon State University)
- Shasta Tailwater Return – (Lisa Unkefer – Aqua Terra)
- Shasta Big Springs Restoration Project Update – (Mike Deas – Watercourse)
- 2011 Sediment Monitoring Program on the Klamath National Forest - (Greg Laurie – USFS)
- KHSA Periphyton Study – (Ken Fetcho – Yurok Tribe)
- Microcystin and microcystin / microcystis trends in the Middle Klamath from 2006-2010 – (Crystal Bowman – Karuk Tribe)
- Interim Measure 11: Water Quality Pilot Projects Update – (Linda Prendergast – PacifiCorp)
- Phytoplankton and Nutrient Dynamics in Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs 2005-2010 - (Eli Asarian – Riverbend Science)
- Database Update – CEDEN – (Steve Steinberg – CEDEN)
- Data Gaps / Identifying Priorities – Group Breakout Session
Meeting 8: March 29 - 30th, 2011 Yreka, CA
Meeting 8 Presentations
- KBMP Membership Agreement
- Fish Tissue Sampling - (Crystal Bowman- Karuk Tribe)
- Yurok Tribal Environmental Program Water Quality - (Ken Fetcho - Yurok Tribe)
- Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) Monitoring - (Mike Deas - Watercourse Engineering)
- Klamath National Forest Sediment and Temperature Monitoring Plan - (Greg Laurie - USFS)
- Upper Klamath Basin Water Quality Meeting - (Heather Hendrixson - The Nature Conservancy)
- Fish Disease in the Klamath Basin - (Julie Alexander - Oregon State University)
- Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Implications for Fisheries - (Nicole Athearn - USFWS)
- Digital Document Library - (Eli Asarian - Kier & Associates)
- KBMP Communication Plan - (Melenee Emanuel and Rich Fadness - SWRCB and NCRWQCB)
- KBMP Database - (Chantell Royer - Klamath Basin Monitoring Program)
- KBMP Strategic Plan - (Clayton Creager - NCRWQCB)
- KBMP Monitoring Plan - (Rich Fadness - NCRWQCB)
In an effort to foster interagency collaboration, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program supports collaborative projects through web exposure, document distribution, and membership communication. Contact us if you are interested in posting a Klamath Basin related project.
Upper Basin Meeting (Feb. 9th, 2011)
Members of the Upper Basin Water Quality Working Group presented research and discussed water quality issues in the Upper Klamath Basin. The meeting was hosted by the Nature Conservancy and held at the US Fish & Wildlife Service Office in Klamath Falls, OR.
Meeting Notes
Breakout Session Q & A
Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program - Clayton Creager (North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board)
USGS Monitoring on Upper Klamath Lake - Sara Eldridge (US Geological Survey)
The Klamath Tribe's Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Program for Upper Klamath Lake and Tributaries - Jacob Kann (Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences)
Sprague Rive Monitoring Network - Kris Fisher (Klamath Tribes)
Post-restoration Water Quality Monitoring: Williamson River Delta, OR - Siana Wong (The Nature Conservancy)
The Effects of the Williamson River Delta Restoration on Water Quality in Upper Klamath Lake: A Modeling Perspective - Tammy Wood (US Geological Survey)
Overview of Recent Benthic-Flux Studies in Upper Klamath Lake and Surrounding Wetlands - Jim Kuwabara (US Geological Survey)
Role and Importance of Benthic Invertebrates in Lake and Wetland Processes - Jim Carter (US Geological Survey)
Patterns of Stratification and Destratification as Indicators of the Resilience and Collapse of Aphanizomenon Blooms - John Reuter (Portland State University)
Latest Wood River Wetland Discharge and Water Quality Monitoring - Andy Hamilton (Bureau of Land Management)
Overview of Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust's Water Quality Monitoring Efforts in the Wood River Valley - Carolyn Doehring (Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust)
Meeting 7: November 9 - 10, 2010 Yreka, CA
Meeting 7 Presentations
- KBMP Organization Structure – Member feedback (Rich Fadness – NCRWQCB)
- TMDL Monitoring Plan – Scott (Bryan McFadin - NCRWQCB)
- TMDL Implementation Plan – Klamath (Clayton Creager - NCRWQCB and Steve Kirk - ODEQ)
- Trinity River Restoration Program Update (Eric Peterson – TRRP)
- Implementation Plan - Shasta (Dave Webb - Shasta RCD)
- Upper Klamath Lake Monitoring - (Sara Eldridge - USGS)
- KHSA Findings (Rick Carlson - BOR)
- KHSA Findings (Linda Prendergast - PacifiCorp)
- KHSA Findings (Ken Fetcho - Yurok Tribe)
- KHSA Findings (Jacob Kann - for Karuk Tribe
Meeting 6: April 27 - 28, 2009 Arcata, CA
Meeting 5: October 7 - 8, 2009; Klamath Falls, OR
Meeting 4: March 4 - 5, 2009; Arcata, CA
Meeting 3: December 3 - 4, 2008; Ashland, OR
Meeting 2: April 8 - 9, 2008; Yreka, CA
Meeting 1: January 16 - 17, 2008; Yreka, CA