The KBMP has a diverse membership which reflects the diverse and complex nature of water quality issues within the Klamath Basin. Below is a list of KBMP members and interested parties. Please contact us if you would like to become a member or would like additional information about KBMP.
Aquaterra Consulting PacifiCorp*
Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences* Portland State University
Bureau of Land Management* Quartz Valley Indian Reservation*
California Department of Fish and Wildlife* Resighini Rancheria
California Department of Health Care Services Riverbend Sciences
California Department of Water Resources Salmon River Restoration Council*
California State Coastal Conservancy San Francisco Estuary Institute
CalTrout Scott River Water Trust
Colorado State University Scott River Watershed Council
E & S Environmental* Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
Farm Stream Solutions Siskiyou County Public Health
French Creek Watershed Advisory Group* Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
GEI Consultants Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Greenway Partners Southern Oregon University
Hoopa Valley Tribal EPA Sprague Watershed Council
Humboldt County State Water Resources Control Board*
Humboldt State University  Stillwater Sciences*
Jefferson Fish Society The Nature Conservancy (Oregon and California)*
Karuk Tribe* Trinity River Restoration Program
Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust* U. S. Bureau of Reclamation*
Klamath Bird Observatory* U. S. Department of Agriculture- Natural Resources Conservation Service
Klamath Riverkeeper U. S. Environmental Protection Agency*
Klamath Tribes* U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service*
Klamath Watershed Partnership U. S. Forest Service*
Klamath Wetland Education & Research Institute U. S. Geological Survey
Mid Klamath Watershed Council University of California Berkeley
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation University of California Davis
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration University of California Santa Cruz 
National Park Service University of Wyoming 
Normandeau Associates  Watercourse Engineering*
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board* Watershed Initiatives 
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality* Watershed Research and Training Center*
Oregon Institute of Technology Yurok Tribe Environmental Program*
Oregon State University* Watershed Sciences Inc.
Oregon Water Resources Department* Waterways Consulting 
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Willamette Partnership
Voting Members*

*Terms for becoming a voting member of KBMP are outlined in the Membership Agreement Form