In an effort to foster interagency collaboration, Klamath Basin Monitoring Program supports collaborative projects through web exposure, document distribution, and membership communication. Contact us if you are interested in posting a Klamath Basin related project.
KHSA Monitoring
As part of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, PacifiCorp is funding baseline water quality monitoring and blue-green algae toxin monitoring as necessary to protect public health. Objectives, annual reports, and data are available.
Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program
- The Klamath Tracking and Accounting Program is designed to help track individual and cumulative effects of restoration actions and measure progress towards achieving basin-wide water quality goals.
Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team
- The Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team (KFHAT) is a technical workgroup formed to provide early warning and a coordinated response to avoid or address fish kill events in the anadramous portion of the Klamath River basin.
Klamath Blue-green Algae Workgroup
- The Klamath Blue-green Algae Workgroup is composed of monitoring organizations, health officials and interested parties working together to better inform the public regarding Klamath Basin blue-green algae blooms the potential health risks.
Upper Basin Collaboration
- In an effort to foster inter-agency collaboration in the Upper Klamath Basin, the Klamath Basin Monitoring Program supports collaborative projects through web exposure, document distribution, and membership communication.
Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop
A workshop was held in January 2023 to assess opportunities for collaboration and coordination of those studying Klamath dam removal.
Klamath Meadows Partnership
- The Klamath Meadows Partnership is a diverse network of over 20 organizations committed to the health and resilience of meadows in northern California.
Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Action Plan
- The UKBWAP is a science-based plan to prioritize restoration actions in the Upper Klamath Basin. This effort has developed an Interactive Reach Prioritization Tool to visually explore stream reaches within the Upper Klamath Basin for voluntary restoration actions.
Natural Flow Study
- The Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center (TSC) is conducting the Revised Klamath River Basin Natural Flow Study (Natural Flow Study) as part of the Klamath Basin Science Initiative. The TSC is taking a comprehensive, unified approach that relies on a partnership with Desert Research Institute (DRI) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) as well as collaboration with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), United States Fish and Wildlife (USFW), and Oregon Water Resources Department as well as local stakeholder engagement. The study evaluates natural streamflow within the Klamath River Basin, which includes 11 watersheds and over 10 million acres in southern Oregon and northern California. The Natural Flow Study is relying on best science practices to provide essential information to develop near-term and long-term solutions for the Klamath River Basin. The final publication of the Natural Flow Study is anticipated January 2025. To get updates or be involved reviewing documents on the Natural Flow Study, sign up here.